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Get 20 Steam Games For Only $13.49

If you're lucky, you could get big games like Starfield, Street Fighter 6, or Payday 3 for just $1.


Fanatical's got a new bundle promotion, but what games can you get in it? That's the big question, as the Summer Mystery Bundle offers up to 20 secret games for just $13.49. If you're not feeling very adventurous, you can grab a single mystery game key for $1, and as usual, these are Steam codes for your PC gaming library.

For the games, Fanatical says that the Summer Mystery Bundle has been carefully curated to provide a diverse selection of games and includes titles from across numerous genres. Puzzlers, simulators, action, and narrative-heavy games are all included in the list of eligible games.

A few premium titles have also been slipped into the collection, and if you're lucky, you might score games like Starfield Premium Edition, Payday 3 Gold Edition, Street Fighter 6, and Aliens: Dark Descent amongst several other indie gems. These rare bundles are valued at over $1,000 each.

Fanatical does note that if you purchase a bundle of 20 games in one order, you will receive different games, but there is a chance that purchasing multiple 20-game packs could result in you receiving duplicates.

Disclosure: GameSpot and Fanatical are both owned by Fandom.

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