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Grab $100 Xbox Store Credit For $90 For A Limited Time

Newegg is selling $100 Xbox gift cards for less through September 11.


While weekly sales discount a variety of Xbox One games on the Xbox Store, it's not often you can save on gift cards. One of the Newegg's current deals does just that, offering a $100 Xbox Store gift card for $90 with promo code EMCDRGD34. It's only available through tomorrow, September 11, so make sure you snag this deal while you can.

Newegg is limiting the deal to two per customer, so if you want, you can get $200 worth of Xbox cash for $180. Codes are emailed to you after purchase, which you can then plug in at the Xbox Store to fill your wallet. While $10 off may not sound like much--especially when you still have to spend $90 right now--it's a great deal to take advantage of if you buy most of your games digitally. The gift card can also be used to re-up your Xbox Live Gold subscription or subscribe to Game Pass, which opens up a library filled with hundreds of Xbox One games to play.

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There are a bunch of exciting games coming to Xbox One and Xbox Series X this year, including Cyberpunk 2077, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and Watch Dogs Legion. All of these games can be pre-ordered now at the Xbox Store, so you'd be getting a rare discount on pre-orders.

You can also check out this week's Xbox One digital deals, which include big discounts Ubisoft games.

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