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GCAP 2011 goes to Melbourne on November 14

The Game Developer's Association of Australia looks to the Victorian capital to host its annual developer conference this year.

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After a brief fling with the Gold Coast last year, the Game Developer's Association of Australia (GDAA) has decided to move its annual convention--Game Connect Asia Pacific (GCAP)--back to Melbourne this November. The assembly of Australia's game development gurus is set to kick off on November 14, ending two days later on the 16th.

For those unfamiliar with GCAP, it's essentially an Aussie take on the Game Developers Conferences that are hosted around the US and Europe. Aimed at video game developers, the point of the exercise is to gather developers and give them a forum to share their experiences and tips through a series of lectures and presentations that focus on all areas of the video game development cycle. The theme of this year's GCAP is "The Journey," so the sessions will look at processes and opportunities that can help to grow the Australian games industry over the next few years.

In a press release put out by the GDAA, CEO Antony Reed said, "'The Journey' is a liberating theme for the conference, as it not only allows us to look forward and plot the path of the Australian game development industry over the next few years, but also lets us look back at our evolution, dissecting what has been learned over 31 years of creating games in Australia."

If you're planning to head along to GCAP 2011, you'll have to hold off for a bit, because the official GCAP 2011 website doesn't open for business until August 1. In the meantime, though, you can keep an eye on GCAP news over at the GDAA's official website.

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