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Games for Good Sell Out

Talk about sell-through. The Games for Good charity event, which benefits the Starbright Foundation's efforts to aid seriously ill children, has sold out its E3 dinner and will likely raise about US$350,000. The E3 event is a silent auction - an event stocked with goods and services from dozens of companies including Berkeley Systems, Microsoft's Games Group, Sierra On-Line, SouthPeak Interactive, and GameSpot.

Talk about sell-through. The Games for Good charity event, which benefits the Starbright Foundation's efforts to aid seriously ill children, has sold out its E3 dinner and will likely raise about US$350,000. The E3 event is a silent auction - an event stocked with goods and services from dozens of companies including Berkeley Systems, Microsoft's Games Group, Sierra On-Line, SouthPeak Interactive, and GameSpot.

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