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Drumroll, please.... E3 is in the house. Read up on who's showing what, the latest in lawsuits, and what went down with TOCA.


We're getting closer and closer to E3, and it shows. The past few weeks have been pretty light in the hard news departments. But gaming press and marketing departments are working overtime putting together last-minute brochures, setting up meetings with the media, and doing everything in their power to get the world to see through the gaming fog at E3 and focus on their games.

But next week there should be an explosion of pre-E3 news, and you'll be able to find it here.

NVidia's history took a big 360 last year with the sales, popularity, and performance of its Riva family of processors. The company took the graphics community by storm. But all the popularity, which normally would be a badge of pride, is turning out to be a real legal burden for the company, as S3 moved to sue the nVidia over apparent patent infringements. This is the second company besides Silicon Graphics to sue the company over the design for its graphics processors. NVidia says that it has looked at the alleged patent infringement and claims no wrongdoing. Do you feel this trend taking place in the hardware industry over patent ownership? We do.

GameSpot News reported at the beginning of the week that Electronic Arts was getting set to sign a deal to publish Touring Car Championship. Although the agreement sounded like a done deal, it turned out that EA didn't end up signing the agreement with Codemasters - more proof that business is never set in stone, until it's set in stone.

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