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Funko Pop's Newest, Weirdest Figure: A Gremlin Who's Flashing You

Now I've seen everything.


Funko has succeeded as a company because it delves into every single fandom, creating cute little figures at a low price point. At times, the company can get into some pretty deep dives within comic books, television shows, and movies. And then sometimes, Funko makes a flashing gremlin into a Pop figure.

As seen in Gremlins 2, Kate (Phoebe Cates) is trapped in a skyscraper, which is filled with gremlins. While inside a bar crowded with the monsters, she turns around and a gremlin flashes her. That three-second moment from a movie made in 1990 is now a Funko Pop figure. And guess what? It's available now at your local Pop retailer. Additionally, there will also be a Greta Pop figure, the female gremlin who's featured predominantly during the Broadway-style finale. Have we mentioned that Gremlins 2 is a really weird movie?

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On a more serious side, Funko is also releasing a two-pack from its Vynl line featuring Gizmo and Stripe from the first Gremlins movie. This set will be available in August. Prices for both sets are not listed but Vynl two-packs on average cost $15 while Pops run between $10-15.

If you're looking for more Funko Pops, check out the ridiculous amount of ones exclusive to Comic-Con this year, the Spider-Man PS4 game set, and the ones from Toy Fair earlier this year, which are all available now. And we'll let you know when Hulk Hogan tearing his shirt off in a movie theater Pop figure from Gremlins 2 comes out. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.

Mat Elfring on Google+

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