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Fortnitemares 2022 New Skins, Challenges, And More

It's spooky season again.


Another spooky season is upon us, and that means Fortnitemares 2022 is back in Fortnite, too. Whether you've been around for previous Fortnitemares or you're experiencing Fortnite's yearly Halloween event for the first time, you can be sure there are plenty of holiday-themed skins, challenges, items, and more. This year's event sees the return of the Cube Monsters first seen last fall, though now with a no-build twist. Read on for everything you should know about Fortnitemares 2022.

When is Fortnitemares 2022?

Fortnitemares started on Tuesday, October 18, and will conclude on Tuesday, November 1.

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New POIs, Candy, and Pumpkin Launchers

Shifty Shafts recently morphed into the haunted house-like Grim Gables, while two other POIs have more recently been chromed to turn into Chromejam Lumberyard and Shiny Sound. Candy has made a return, too, which is usually available outside of houses for you to find and eat, granting buffs to health, movement speed, and more. Meanwhile, you can find powerful Pumpkin Launchers across the map that use rockets and can be fired at your opponents for some huge damage.

Howler Claws

Fortnitemares 2022 has introduced the brand-new Howler Claws item, which can be obtained by performing the Ritual emote at altars spread across the map. These provide you with the ability to track your opponents and then slash them up with a 4-hit combo melee attack that can devastate their health bar. If you like playing as a predator, you'll have a good time adding this one to your arsenal each match.

Themed challenges

It wouldn't be an event without also having some themed quests to complete, and Fortnitemares 2022 is unleashing plenty throughout the next couple of weeks. Two new quests become available each day of the event for a total of 14 days. For completing the quests, you can earn the limited-time cosmetics listed below.

  • Everything's End Glider - Complete 5 Quests
  • Chrome Cage Back Bling - Complete 13 Quests
  • Unmaker Pickaxe - Complete 25 Quests
Earn these cosmetics by completing challenges.
Earn these cosmetics by completing challenges.

Horde Rush

Popular cooperative game mode Horde Rush has made a return for Fortnitemares 2022, bringing plenty of multiplayer mayhem to your Halloween experience as you and some friends take down packs of zombies and face off against a terrifying final boss. Even more, the mode will last even longer than Fortnitemares, allowing you to play all the way until Tuesday, November 15.

New skins

Halloween-themed skins are rampant during Fortnitemares 2022, so expect to see the return of some from previous years alongside a selection of brand-new options, such as this new crossover with Evil Dead.

There are also these concept winners, Sinister Glare and Undying Sorrow, which have now been placed into the game.

The item shop is littered with other exciting Halloween-themed skins, so make sure you check them all out to get in the holiday spirit, loopers!

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