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Fortnite Cannot Support More Than 100 Players, Epic Says

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney says 100 players is the maximum Fortnite can support.


Epic Games CEO and founder Tim Sweeney revealed that Fortnite cannot support more than 100 players, at least in the game's current state.

Speaking to IGN, Sweeney said there's plenty of room for improvement when it comes to developing games. "I think people are underestimating the opportunity for advances in the programming, language technology, and programming stack to improve the state of game development," Sweeney said.

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"Fortnite Battle Royale is 100 players because we can't support more. That's as many players as we can fit on a single server, on a single floor, on a machine."

Sweeney then went on to explain how Epic Games doesn't have the technology to support larger server sizes without severe loss of quality in the programming model. But Sweeney is optimistic about the future of game development, most notably with the use of Unreal Engine 5.2.

For context, Apex Legends supports up to 60 players within a match, PUBG supports up to 100, and Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 can have up to 150 players within a server. It's unclear if Epic Games is working toward supporting larger server sizes within Fortnite.

The recent Mega season of Fortnite introduced a new Japanese theme, with several map changes, and new weapons to utilize.

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