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Former Payday Dev Reveals Sci-Fi Heist Game Den Of Wolves

Den of Wolves is a sci-fi heist game from one of the creators of Payday.


As part of The Game Awards, Swedish studio 10 Chambers announced a new game called Den of Wolves. The studio is headed up by Ulf Andersson, who co-created the heist-themed Payday series, and Den of Wolves seems to tread familiar ground.

Den of Wolves is a sci-fi heist game where players from rival corporations are conducting "unauthorized errands" in a place called Midway City. 10 Chambers is promising "futuristic, mind-bending heists."

"Dynamic and unpredictable moment-to-moment gameplay will challenge you and your team to adapt from stealth to full-on action shootouts (and back again) in thrilling scenarios," reads a line from the game's description.

Regarding the sci-fi setting, Andersson said, "You can only rob so many banks," adding that the sci-fi element of Den of Wolves allows the studio to offer "more variety in heists."

"We value the art of worldbuilding enormously, so even though Den of Wolves isn't an open-world game, the history and narrative we've built around Midway City is considerable," 10 Chambers boss Simon Viklund said. "We want Midway to feel like a believable city of the near future where late-stage capitalism has gone rampant, and corporations set the rules. As a player, you reside in Midway City's underground domains without any real identity or documentation, building your allegiances to become a criminal entrepreneur through its black market of gig jobs."

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