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First Look: Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000

Early screenshots of Sega's upcoming soccer game for the Dreamcast find their way to the GameSpot offices.


The European version of Sega's Worldwide Soccer 2000 for the Dreamcast has just been released in England, and to celebrate, we've got some brand-new screenshots from the retail version for you to ogle.

The Worldwide Soccer series has had a long history on Sega consoles. The first game, developed by Sega Sports, was a total stunner on the Sega Saturn. The game featured solid gameplay, accurate animation, and a realistic atmosphere. The 2000 update was created by the UK development team Silicon Dreams, which has been responsible for World League Soccer for the Saturn and Olympic Soccer for the PlayStation in the past.

The first impressions are very positive, and we will soon be reporting about it with an extensive preview of the game. The game looks smooth, the weather conditions look very realistic, and the animations are fluid. Overall, we're very impressed with our latest copy. We'll be following up this story with a full-fledged preview.

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