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First look: Final Score

Sunstorm reveals Final Score, which will put players in control of a crew of professional criminals.


Sunstorm Interactive, which is best known for Deer Hunter and the recent Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, has revealed its latest project, Final Score. Final Score challenges players to pull off a series of scores, including jewel thefts, bank heists, and armored car robberies. Players assume the role of criminal mastermind Dan Hawkins and will work with a crew of crew of highly specialized professional criminals, including safecrackers, security experts, weapons specialists, and getaway drivers. The game contains a number of story-based missions, such as a raid on a police warehouse to destroy confiscated evidence from a previous job and a prison break to free a key operator.

Final Score is in the early stages of development and is scheduled for the fall of 2004. More details are available on the game's official site.

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