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First Look at GBC Mario Golf

TOKYO - The first screenshots of Mario Golf for the Game Boy Color have been released.


TOKYO - The first screenshots of Mario Golf for the Game Boy Color have been released. As you can see, the game is played in a pseudo 3D style like old Famicom (the Japanese version of the NES) Mario Golf game.

Being developed by Camelot, Mario Golf GBC will sport a scenario mode with RPG elements. Players can link to the GBC version with the Nintendo 64 version of Mario Golf 64 (most likely via the 64GB Pak). Nintendo and Camelot are planning on placing certain characters in Mario Golf 64 that can only be released when the game is linked to the GBC version.

Mario Golf GBC is being developed exclusively for the color units, which means owners of the earlier Game Boy systems will be out of luck if they want to play.

The Nintendo 64 version of Mario Golf is scheduled for release on June 11 in Japan, and the GBC version should appear by August.

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