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F1 Pole Position Hits

Landing in stores today is Ubi Soft's long-awaited debut on the Nintendo 64.


Stores across the nation should be receiving their copies of Ubi Soft's first Nintendo 64 game, F1 Pole Position 64. Launched as the first racing sim for the system, the game has the official 1996 Formula One license and is packed with 16 tracks and player customizable features like 22 race cars and drivers, weather conditions, and more.

"We expect enormous sales for F1 Pole Position 64 this holiday season. As the only full-fledged racing simulation for the N64, F1 Pole Position 64 has been long awaited by sports and racing fans," Laurent Detoc, vice president of Ubi Soft Entertainment, said in a statement. "The replay value for this racer is remarkable because players become consumed with finding new strategies and ways to configure their cars to improve speed and eventually win the Grand Prix."

The title is available at an MSRP of US$64.95.

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