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Evangelion: Thrice Upon A Time Collector's Edition Gets Steep Black Friday Discount

The final chapter in the Rebuild of Evangelion film series launched October 17, and both editions are discounted at Amazon.


The fourth and final chapter in the Rebuild of Evangelion film series, Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.11 Thrice Upon a Time, arrived on Blu-ray earlier this year, and now Evangelion fans can grab the 4K collector's edition for $55.30 (down from $80) and the standard Blu-ray for $20 (was $30) at Amazon.

More Evangelion series deals

The Rebuild of Evangelion project is essentially a retelling of the cult-classic Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series that took years to unfold, and began in 2007 with Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone. While that film was a nearly line-for-line and shot-for-shot remake of the first six episodes of the anime series, it deviated from the plot in subtle ways, and the following films began to drift even further away from the source material.

Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance was released in 2009 and Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, which broke free entirely from series canon, arrived in 2012. Thrice Upon a Time concluded that tale, and while it does reference the infamous End of Evangelion, it's still wildly different from the original.

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