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ESC Gaming Pick Up Dobry Gaming

ESC Pick up another Polish team after housing the Golden 5 in early CS:GO and recently losing their Danish squad


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ESC Gaming had already supported the Polish "Golden 5" and a Danish team under the leadership of Sune "crZy" Hansen earlier in CS:GO. Neither line-up quite played up to par under ESC, with the Polish team being dropped while the subsequent Danish team disbanded after all players were picked up by different teams. However, after 2 weeks of not housing a team ESC have now signed a new, up and coming team.

In doing so ESC have returned to the Polish scene once again by picking up a top Polish team, this time the second best team of the local scene: Dobry Gaming. Although Dobry used to house Golden5 legend Mariusz "Loord" Cybulski they have been doing better after parting ways with him, competing successfully in the ESEA Intermediate League, Polish EPS and winning the Poznan Computer Sport Games 2014 LAN in Poland just last weekend.

Under ESC they have already landed an invite into this season's SLTV StarSeries online competition and will continue to play in the Polish EPS.

ESC Gaming are:

  • Jacek "MINISE" Jeziak
  • Michał "MICHU" Müller
  • Paweł "innocent" Mocek
  • Grzegorz "SZPERO" Dziamałek
  • Mikołaj "mouz" Karolewski

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