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Epic Games Acquires "Kid-Safe" Tech Company SuperAwesome

The "kidtech" company aims to "make the internet safer for children."


Fortnite developer Epic Games is continuing to expand with the acquisition of SuperAwesome, a company that creates tools for developers to "to create safer digital experiences for younger audiences."

While Epic has acquired other game studios in the past, such as Rocket League developer Psyonix, it has also looked towards companies that make tools for developers, such as the facial animation tech of Cubic Motion.

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"SuperAwesome’s Kids Web Services platform is a parental consent management toolkit that makes it easier for developers to build great experiences for users of all ages," Epic's press release explains. The company also runs a tool called AwesomeAds, allowing devs to "offer kid-safe monetization inside their products."

SuperAwesome's tools are already used by a number of big companies such as Lego, NBC Universal, and Hasbro. "SuperAwesome remains committed to supporting existing customers and will partner with Epic Games to further their mission to make the internet a safer place for kids," the release reads.

"More kids interact online than ever before and now is the time to double down on their safety," Epic CEO Tim Sweeney said about the acquisition. While it's unknown exactly how many people under 18 play Epic's huge battle royale Fortnite, the game is anecdotally known to attract a young audience.

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