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Elden Ring Isn't The Type Of Game Former Nintendo Boss Reggie Fils-Aime Usually Likes, But He Tried It

"I like to win. I don't like it when my character dies," Fils-Aime says.


Former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime is among the millions of people who have played From Software's Elden Ring, and now he's weighed in to share his thoughts.

Speaking to Mashable, Fils-Aime said he doesn't normally gravitate toward From Software's "Souls"-type games because they don't match up with the fantasy fulfillment that he likes to get out of games.

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"They go against my style of play: I like to be overpowered when I take on bosses; I like to win. I don't like it when my character dies," Fils-Aime said.

But he was convinced to play Elden Ring because everyone else was playing it and he wanted to try. In the end, Fils-Aime was entertained by what he played, though he didn't finish the game. "I enjoyed Elden Ring. I didn't play to completion, but I enjoyed the experience and learned from it," he said.

Elden Ring has sold more than 12 million copies. It was the best-selling game in the US during February and March 2022.

Fils-Aime's new book, Disrupting the Game, is out now. In the book, the executive discusses his life and career, spanning from his growing up in Haiti, moving to the Bronx, attending Cornell, and then becoming an executive at multiple companies before joining Nintendo. Fils-Aime retired from Nintendo in 2019 and served on GameStop's board of directors until he quit due to what he said was a rudderless outlook.

For more, check out GameSpot's rundown of the best things we learned from Fils-Aime's new book.

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