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Elden Ring Day-One Patch Includes Balance Adjustments, Frame Rate Fixes

The critically acclaimed open-world RPG will get various fixes before you start it up for the first time.


Elden Ring is only hours away, but as you might expect from a modern release, before you start up the game for the first time you'll need to download a day-one patch. The patch promises some fixes to various bugs and slight tweaks to elements like player controls and game balance.

The patch notes don't give a great amount of detail regarding what exactly is meant by points like "improved player controls." Some of the other details are self explanatory, like one that fixes frame rate drops and another that addresses a bug impacting Xbox wireless headsets. The notes also mention that ray tracing is still planned for a future announcement, but didn't give further timing. You can check out the full (but still very brief) patch notes below.

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Now Playing: Elden Ring Review In Progress

Elden Ring has gotten stellar reviews across the board, and so far is one of Metacritic's highest-scoring games of all time. If you're eagerly anticipating starting your adventure, make sure you know what time it unlocks in your area. If on the other hand you happen to be playing early somehow, you may want to brush up on some things to know before you start.

"In a genre that has become wrought with bloated and over-designed games, Elden Ring is defiantly contrarian in almost every way," Tamoor Hussain wrote in GameSpot's Elden Ring review-in-progress. "Its commitment to design by subtraction and to placing the responsibility of charting a path through its world entirely on the player makes it stand head and shoulders above other open-world titles. Elden Ring takes the shards of what came before and forges them into something that will go down in history as one of the all-time greats: a triumph in design and creativity, and an open-world game that distinguishes itself for what it doesn't do as much as what it does."

Elden Ring version 1.02

  • Improved player controls
  • Addition and adjustment of BGM
  • Text adjustments
  • Balance adjustments
  • NPC event fixes and adjustments
  • Fixed frame rate drops under certain conditions
  • Fixed text bug in some languages
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Xbox wireless headset from working properly

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