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Dying Light 2's Next Stream Is All About Parkour And Combat

Dying 2 Know's third episode will tell you everything you need to know about Dying Light 2's post-apocalyptic parkour.


The third episode of Techland's ongoing Dying Light 2 web series will air on August 26 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET, on the Gamescom Studio channel. Hosted by lead game designer Tymon Smektała, Dying 2 Know will focus on Dying Light 2's parkour and combat, two essential gameplay elements that helped players survive the events of the original game.

Techland added that Dying Light 2's parkour now has a more advanced, and realistic movement system, and can be used to mix complex moves into combat. Handy stuff for the game's protagonist Aiden when he evades the infected hordes, the more savage viral predators that emerge at night, or other human survivors scavenging for supplies.

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Now Playing: Dying Light 2 Stay Human Behind The Scenes

As for combat, there'll be a deep dive into the arsenal of deadly tools that can be collected and used, the inspiration behind some of the game's weapons, and a closer examination of the factions in Dying Light 2. On the community side, Techland will also speak about its upcoming UGC cosplay contest and the Techland Gamers and Goodies community hub that will be activated in both Dying Light games.

Previous Dying Light 2 streams have been full of plenty of information on the game, such as its story, characters, and the various monsters that have helped make post-apocalyptic parkour a necessary skill for survivors.

The previous episode of Dying 2 Know shed more light on the Sleeping Beauties, Volatiles, and Banshees, as well as the new Revenants whose biological wing-like mutations suggest that not even high ground may be safe from this new breed of infected human.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is set to release on December 7 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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