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DVD Ranks Fill In

genX Software and dHouse become game development partners.


Two more companies are jumping onto the DVD bandwagon - game developer genX Software and DVD facility dHouse Inc. are teaming up to produce titles for a system so new most gamers haven't yet seen it.

It may be some time before a good number of games are released for DVD, which provides more storage space and better quality audio and video than standard CDs. Many companies, however, are already banking on DVDs as the future of high-end software - including dHouse, which has a production facility designed to produce DVD tools and processes.

The genX team has collectively produced approximately 120 games and expects its first DVD product to be out around Christmas. The company will show the title at June's E3.

Two additional genX titles are slated for release in the first half of next year. They have, however, yet to be picked up by a publisher.

Says Yon Hardisty, genX spokesperson, "As with any medium, you need content to drive the hardware. We want to be right there when it's time to drive."

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