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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Cast Dabble With Necromancy In New Clip

But why can you only ask five questions?


The upcoming Dungeons & Dragons film, subtitled Honor Among Thieves, has once again proved it understands D&D with a new clip showing Simon the sorcerer casting Speak With Dead on a corpse the party has unearthed.

The trailer shows Simon, played by Justice Smith explaining the rules of the spell. The other characters immediately question the arbitrary limit of five questions, playing on the kind of meta humor that will no doubt be threaded through Honor Among Thieves' runtime. Unfortunately, the party also makes the mistake of allowing Chris Pine's bard Edgin to question the corpse.

Also in the clip are Michelle Rodriguez's barbarian Holga, and tiefling druid Doric, played by Sophia Lillis. Regé-Jean Page's paladin character Xenk, who appeared prominently in previous trailers, is notably missing from this necromancy-heavy scene.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is set in D&D's Forgotten Realms setting, and follows a ragtag band of adventurers led by bard Edgin as they steal a lost relic--and then have to deal with the consequences.

The film is set to release in the US on March 31.

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