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Dreamcast Aftermath

Sega's newest console took center stage in the news. But tell us the truth: Were you impressed?


Thursday's announcement of the Sega Dreamcast is certainly up there at the top in terms of the biggest news this summer. The early pictures of the system wowed us when we first laid eyes on them. And as the day went on, those of us who had been calling the system Katana tried to break the habit - some of us even got used to the name Dreamcast.

What we want to know is what you think of the Dreamcast.

What would you have called the new system?

What games do you hope are included in the first five launch titles?

Are you going to go out and buy an import system?

What do you think of the specs? Impressive or just so-so?

Drop me a line, tell me what you think. Look for my report tomorrow.

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