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Dota 2 fan releases mod to improve bots in local games

For those who prefer the company of bots to other players, here's a significantly better version of the former.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

While the ineptitude of bots is a problem that many of us will never face, it's an inadequacy that has haunted those who do regularly interact with Dota 2's A.I. Happily, this might not be an issue for much longer. A chap named thepotoo, along with a cadre of other folk from the Dota 2 forums, has been working for months on improving the performances of the bots. Yesterday, he updated the file to include changes suggested by the community at large. And it's a pretty sweet deal, all things taken into consideration.

In brief: heroes with channeling abilities will now build the appropriate items, carries such as Juggernaut and Sven have been optimized to be more scary, supports will generally stop feeding so much and will no longer blindly rush Aghanim's Scepter in most cases. Sadly, the modified npc_heroes.txt file that thepotoo released only functions with locally hosted games.

The file and more information can be found here.

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