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DiRT Rally 2.0 Game Of The Year Edition Announced

Dirt Rally 2.0 returns to PS4, Xbox One and PC with a title that's a bit of a mouthful


Nearly a year on from the game's original release date, DiRT Rally 2.0 is getting a new boxed edition in the form of the Game Of The Year Edition. It pulls together all the various new content and features added over the past year, along with a new expansion pack featuring 40 scenarios spanning the career of famous Rally car champion Colin McRae.

New vehicles, locations, and challenges are also being added to the already massive game. With well over 50 cars to pick from, six different countries and monthly challenges, DiRT Rally 2.0 GOTY Edition has more rally car racing content than one person could ever need.

Those who purchase the Deluxe Edition of DiRT Rally 2.0 or purchased the full Season Pass will receive the Colin McRae update and content for free. If you have the standard game you will need to buy the pack or the GOTY Edition separately.

DiRT Rally 2.0 Game Of The Year Edition is coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4 on March 27. This will be the last release for DiRT Rally 2.0, as Codemasters is moving onto the next project, so fans of the franchise should make sure to give it a go.

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