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Diamond Shuts Down

While the S3-VIA graphics chip venture is still pending approval, S3 will definitively close its graphics board business and shift resources to its Rio MP3 player and consumer device divisions.


S3 announced today that it has started to dismantle the Diamond Multimedia graphics board division that, until recently, it had been trying to sell to various buyers - notably VIA, the Taiwan-based chipset maker. S3 announced earlier this year that it intended to leave the PC graphics market to focus on its digital music and Internet appliance businesses. S3 has pledged to continue technical support for existing Diamond add-in graphics cards.

Several weeks ago, it was announced that governmental regulators in Taiwan intend to delay a planned S3-VIA graphics chip joint venture, which was valued at US$323 million. S3 says that it will continue to pursue the deal, which concerns the design of graphics chips related to S3's Savage chip line.

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