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Diablo II Reigns

In its first week, Blizzard's long-awaited RPG clinches the first and second spots in the PC Data top ten, while Icewind Dale nudges ahead of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.


The initial sales numbers have dispelled any speculation that long delays would dull Diablo II's ability to climb to the top of the charts. In the PC Data sales figures for June 25 to July 1, Blizzard's follow-up to the best-selling 1996 action-RPG has pushed The Sims out of its roost at the top of the list. The collector's edition of Diablo II, which features the game in DVD format with a seamless movie combining the game's cinematics, slid into second.

Icewind Dale, the combat-filled Forgotten Realms role-playing game from the creators of Baldur's Gate, jumped past Who Wants To Be A Millionaire in its first week. Other recent releases, Shogun: Total War and Deus Ex, continued to make a solid showing, while Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption went missing this time around.

Rank / Title / Publisher / Price
1 / Diablo II / Havas Interactive / US$53
2 / Diablo II: Collector's Ed. / Havas Interactive / $67
3 / The Sims / Electronic Arts / $44
4 / Icewind Dale / Interplay / $44
5 / Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 2nd Ed. / Disney / $18
6 / Roller Coaster Tycoon / Hasbro / $26
7 / Shogun: Total War / Electronic Arts / $30
8 / Deus Ex / Eidos / $40
9 / Roller Coaster Tycoon Corkscrew Follies / Hasbro / $18
10 / Starcraft / Havas Interactive / $30

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