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Destiny 2 Voice Actor Teases "New Stuff"

Lance Reddick, who voices Zavala, is recording voice lines from his home studio--in his closet.


After announcing that Destiny 2 is coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, voice actor Lance Reddick has now posted a teaser for "new stuff" coming to the shared-world shooter.

Reddick, who voices Zavala in the game, posted a video on Twitter of his new at-home recording studio that is his closet. With physical recording studios shut due to COVID-19, actors of all types are finding creative solutions for how to continue their work. You can check out his setup in the video below.

Reddick did not give any teases for what to expect from this "new stuff" but presumably it will be related in part to Titans in Year 4. Recently, Destiny 2 added a new quest called "The Lie," and GameSpot's Destiny expect Phil Hornshaw believes it could be the next step in Bungie's plan to change everything.

The Destiny series is now published by Bungie, after the developer split off from Activision.

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