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Destiny 2 Update Patch Notes: Trials Of Osiris Gets Tweaked Again

Guardians running around in Destiny 2's Trials of Osiris multiplayer mode are going to want to start conserving their special ammo after hotfix has been applied.


Destiny 2's latest patch has gone live, bringing with it a few new changes to Bungie's RPG-shooter across multiple areas of the game. One of the biggest changes in Hotfix is directed at the Trials of Osiris, the pinnacle PvP mode that returned earlier this month.

While a number of changes have revitalized the multiplayer mode, the latest tweak will now ensure that special ammo is a rare resource again. Usually, Guardians are given a small amount of the green-colored ammo for weapons such as shotguns, sniper rifles, and trace rifles, and when they revive, the amount is reset.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2 Players NEED To Play Trials of Osiris

A cunning Guardian could exploit this mechanic to get more special ammo, a slightly unfair advantage that rewards players for suicide runs over skill and accuracy.

Among other changes include weapons received from the Trials of Osiris Reputation Rank Reward track from Saint-14 will now have their Masterwork slots active, and the chances of accidentally purchasing gear from the legendary Guardian will be minimized with this hotfix.

In the rest of the Crucible, a tooltip has been added to Glory and Elimination playlists to indicate skill-based matchmaking. An issue where the Proving Grounds strike would not appear on Nessus for players if they didn’t unlock it before Season of the Lost began has been resolved, and yet another Telesto issue has been fixed so that orbs of power won't be spawned when hit with a Hunter's hit with a proximity explosive knife attack.

You can see the full patch notes below from Bungie:

Destiny 2 Hotfix Patch Notes

Trials of Osiris

  • Special ammo no longer refreshes upon resurrection
  • Added hold to purchase functionality to gear purchasable from Saint-14 in order to prevent accidental purchases.
  • Weapons received from the Trials of Osiris Reputation Rank Reward track on Saint-14 will now have their Masterwork Slots active.


  • Added tooltip to Glory and Elimination playlists to indicate that their matchmaking prefers skill.


  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to complete Wayfinder's Voyage I if Petra didn't appear after interacting with the compass.
  • Fixed an issue where Tracing the Stars II quest could not be completed if Atlas Skews were picked up before picking up the quest.


  • Fixed an issue where the Proving Grounds strike would not appear on Nessus for players if they didn't unlock it before Season of the Lost began.


  • Horror's Least will now drop at Power cap from the Corrupted Nightfall.
  • Adept Weapon Mods for Impact, Charge Time, Blast Radius, and Projectile speed can now be acquired from Grandmaster Nightfalls and Raids, in addition to Trials of Osiris.
  • Fixed yet another issue caused by Telesto.
  • Teleso bolts no longer spawn orbs of power when hit with a Proximity Explosive Knife.


  • Fixed a crash that could be caused by a certain combination of armor mods.

If you're tackling this week's seasonal challenges and need a few tips, check out our Shattered Realm guides on the Debris of Dreams Ascendant mysteries and where to find the Awoken data caches.

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