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Destiny 2 Patch Addresses Its Frustrating Season Of Plunder Weapon-Crafting Issue

A Deepsight bug has been fixed, and you can now focus specific seasonal weapons to receive Deepsight-modded versions.


A new Destiny 2 update is out now, and after nearly two months, one of Season of Plunder's most frustrating issues has been addressed, at least in part. The difficulty and inconsistency of acquiring red-border craftable seasonal weapons is one of the key targets of this patch, as you now have some guaranteed means of getting your hands on Deepsight-modded seasonal weapons.

The first of the two changes involving this issue in the hotfix is actually a bug fix. One of the crew upgrades, Hidden Compartment, was meant to provide one of these Deepsight-modded weapons after your first Ketchcrash completion each week. Although it's a slow means of progress--you need to complete five Deepsight versions of each seasonal weapon in order to unlock its crafting pattern--it was at least an option in theory, but a bug was causing some players to not receive their Deepsight weapon each week. This patch resolves that issue.

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Additionally, the update dramatically improves another crew upgrade, Double Perk Weapon Spoils. This was arguably somewhat pointless before, as it meant that focusing a seasonal weapon would provide a version with two perks in the same slot, offering some degree of versatility for it. But when these weapons can eventually be crafted, there's little reason to use one of these focused versions.

As such, Bungie has enhanced this crew upgrade so that, much like in Season of the Haunted, the first seasonal weapon you focus each week will be a Deepsight-modded version. That gives you a specific path to obtaining the weapon patterns you most want. However, you should be aware that the in-game description for this upgrade does not yet explain that it offers this functionality.

With triumphs and seasonal challenges tied to crafting seasonal weapons, these are extremely welcome changes.

Elsewhere in this update, an issue that would block completion of the season's intro mission if your connection dropped during it has been addressed. The Reactive Pulse mod will no longer provide a permanent overshield, and the weekly challenge for the War Table should be available again. And the Eager Edge perk on swords--which provides a buff to lunge distance right after switching to a sword--can no longer be used more than once in a single activation.

This patch drops on the same day that Week 7 seasonal challenges and Grandmaster Nightfalls unlock, although you'll need to be aggressively increasing your Power level to take those on. Later this month, we'll be seeing the return of Festival of the Lost, the game's annual Halloween event.

Read on for a look at the full patch notes.

Destiny 2 Hotfix Patch Notes



  • Fixed an issue where players were blocked from completing the Season 18 intro mission if they lost connection during the activity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Deepsightmodded weapon from the Hidden Compartment Crew Upgradewasn’t appropriately refreshing at the weekly reset.
  • To alleviate some of the pressure in acquiring Season of Plunder weapon patterns, the Double Perk Weapon Spoils Crew Upgrade will now give you a Deepsightmodded weapon the first time you focus a weapon each week. Note: this change is not yet reflected in the upgrade description in-game.



  • Fixed an issue where the Reactive Pulse mod provided permanent overshield.


  • Fixed an issue where Eager Edge could be used multiple times in a single activation.
  • Fixed an issue where players completing the new Season 18 crafting quests failed to have pattern Triumphsunlocked when acquiring the weapon patterns.
  • We’ve reduced the brightness of the effect that appears when you damage yourself with the final round in Touch of Malice’s magazine.
  • Fixed mislabeled Cry Mutiny ornament names.


  • Fixed an issue where the legacy War Table weekly challenge was unavailable.
  • It now requires defeating Champions in PsiOpsBattlegrounds for a powerful reward.


  • Fixed an issue where players using Chinese characters in their name were unable to play on the Microsoft Store platform.

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