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Death Stranding 2 Rumors Emerge Again, Reports Game Is Codenamed "Ocean"

New rumors seem to confirm that Death Stranding 2 is definitely in the works for Sony, under the codename "Ocean."


Hideo Kojima is still keeping secret about what his studio is working on next, though that doesn't stop rumors about what might be on the cards for Kojima Productions. The latest comes from a known leaker who claims to have an inside source on Death Stranding 2, saying that the game is still under production with the codename "Ocean."

As reported by Insider Gaming, the rumor comes from ResetEra user Dusk Golem, who has been a reputable leaker of horror-related games in the past.

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"Death Stranding 2 is in development (and for some insiders to know I’m not bullshitting about this in the future, its internal codename is Ocean)," Dusk Golem wrote. "But Kojima has had a long standing deal with Sony on this, which is being analyzed if Sony and Kojima Productions should renew their contracts after DS2 or not at present, but was never in question before this due to a multi-game contract Sony and Kojima Productions have."

Last year it was reported that Kojima could be working on an Xbox exclusive game, leading fans to question whether the Death Stranding sequel could become an Xbox exclusive. Dusk Golem responded to this speculation, as well as to seemingly baseless rumors that the sequel was supposedly being developed for the Google Stadia.

"The deal with Xbox was never meant to be DS2, this rumor is just false, Sony and Kojima Productions have a multi-game contract that expires after DS2 and at present is being decided by both parties whether to continue their relationship or end it after DS2," Dusk Golem explained.

For now, the new rumors don't confirm many new details about the actual game, other than that it is in production as part of a partnership with Sony. Dusk Golem has also said that they wouldn't be leaking any details about the actual game, only debunking rumors about its production.

While it hasn't been officially confirmed by Kojima Productions, we can be reasonably certain that Death Stranding 2 is in production, with Norman Reedus previously announcing he was working on a sequel, and Kojima responding in a joking manner.

As for Kojima's next game, he's making a new title for Xbox.

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