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David Lynch Is Re-Releasing His Rabbits "Sitcom", And It's A Must-See For Fans

David Lynch's 2002 short series seems to be making a return online, with the first episode now available again.


In 2002, David Lynch released an eight part series called Rabbits, which he referred to as a "sitcom" despite it being...well, a pretty typical David Lynch creation (albeit one with a laugh track). The show has long been unavailable online, having been removed from his website, but now the first episode has been re-released on YouTube.

The series stars Scott Coffey (Lost Highway), Laura Elena Harring (Mulholland Dr.), and Naomi Watts (Mulholland Dr., Twin Peaks: The Return), all of whom are wearing giant rabbit masks. It's scored by Angelo Badalamenti, who also scored Twin Peaks and numerous other Lynch projects.

And that's about as much of it as we can easily describe--you should just watch it yourself, below.

While the series has been available on DVD for some time, that version is re-edited into few episodes. Hopefully Lynch, who has also been publishing a daily weather report on his YouTube channel, will make the rest available soon.

The rabbits popped up in Lynch's most recent feature film, Inland Empire, too--that one's a bit of a hard watch, but worth the effort.

Earlier this year, Lynch released a short film, What Did Jack Do?, to Netflix. It's great. His most recent major project was Twin Peaks: The Return, which looks unlikely to return despite critical acclaim.

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