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Cyberpunk 2077 Launch Issues Reportedly Cost Founders $1 Billion In Wealth

As CDPR's stock has tumbled following the release of Cyberpunk 2077, the founders' joint share has gone severely down in value as well.


The technical issues surrounding the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 have had an impact on CD Projekt Red's stock value, and that in turn is reportedly hitting its founders' net worth. Bloomberg reports that the company's founders have cut the value of their joint stake by $1 billion in only a matter of days.

The joint 34% stake in the Polish company is co-owned by three executives--Marcin Iwinski, Adam Kicinski, and Piotr Nielubowicz--along with a fourth owner, Michal Kicinski. Those four have become the among the wealthiest Poles in recent years as anticipation grew for Cyberpunk. But as the stock has been dropping, so has their wealth. Their stake was reportedly worth about $3 billion on Tuesday.

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Perhaps more importantly, analysts say this launch has cost the studio significant credibility. Average analyst forecasts for 12-month sales dropped from 30 million copies before the release to 25.6 million copies now.

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions appear to be one major cause of the stock and forecast drops. Those platforms are popular and widespread, and they're also significantly buggier and less graphically impressive than the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X versions. Players seeking to avoid those versions, or holding out until they opt-in to the new generation, mean a smaller pool of potential consumers.

CD Projekt Red had issued an apology for the performance on last-gen systems, and recommended players who are dissatisfied seek refunds. But it also acknowledged that it had no special agreement for such refunds, and recently stopped recommending them on PlayStation.

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Should not have released for last gen anyway. Weak ass systems.

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@sleepnsurf: Other than the fact development for this game started seven years ago, you'd have a point. CDPR showed off the first trailer for this game in January 2013. The original XB1 and PS4 released in November 2013. This game was *designed* for "last gen" consoles entirely! Their claim that they spent "too much time" on the next generation versions is a complete lie. At best, they knew the specs for the Series X and PS5 in mid to late 2018.

It boggles my mind that some gamers just can't admit that CDPR released one of the worst messes in video game history.

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Edited By Jimminyfixit

Still struggling to understand how the game runs so badly on a console generation they've been developing it for.

Coming soon to PS4.....8 years later runs shit on PS4.

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@Jimminyfixit: Absolutely! It also boggles my mind how many gamers in these comment threads say "they shouldn't have even released it for last gen."

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Edited By xboxps2cube

Tell me how this company releases a game that only works well with Nvidia graphics cards when the majority of gamers uses Amd tech ( all current /next gen game consoles, and pc rigs) . It was a silly costly mistake on their part.

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@xboxps2cube: A nice backhander from NVIDIA probably...

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@xboxps2cube: Cyberpunk runs great on Xbox One X, and on Series X.

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@xboxps2cube: And does not support SLI. I know it is a concept of ancient past but still annoying as it could make the game run much better if it worked.

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@jega: Scour the Nvidia forums, someone is likely to make an SLI profile for the game. Also, look up the memory config edit. You might get a massive performance boost.

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@jega: Even when SLI was the cool thing 99% of games didn't support it. Not sure why you'd bring it up.

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@beachbum: Well that is just wrong. Have been gaming on SLI for 7 years and the only games not supporting it is AC odessey/valhalla and cyberpunk. incredible that people just talk because they think they know stuff... lul

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@jega: Only 7 years lol? If you understand how devs implement it you'd understand that even though they say their games are SLI ready, they aren't taking advantage of it like they could and should have been.

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@beachbum: Sure but saying that devs should take more advantage of it and saying that 99% of games dont support it is very different. So first you say something wrong and now something that conflicts your first statement while being rude both times. Well done.

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@jega: Lmao same thing. They don't support it or take advantage of it despite the sticker on the box and the little box that you tick in the options menu of the game. You really are holding on to something that I too thought was great and I was SLI for many a year.

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@jega: Not as wrong going BACK to SLI was. It failed once, and you are still hanging on.

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Maybe it's me. I follow game development news every morning with my cup of "coffee," but try not to get involved in the controversy, unless it's a huge slap in the face to gamers. Yes, this is a huge slap in the face. Still, bugs and all, Shadowrun on SNES is one of my favorite games of all time, and Deus Ex: HR is pretty darned good, too. Therefore, even without all the fixes in place, I intend to play Cyberpunk 2077 ASAP, just because... Heck, Shadowrun SNES was far from perfect, but it's still in my Top 10.

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@itstheel: I think you'll enjoy it too. I've played so far about 15 hours and I barely had any bug, if at all. Worth mentioning that I am using 3090 GPU, but there was no game breaking bugs that I experienced at all. I censored nudity though and didn't "configure my penis" in the character creation, so unless all the bugs are related to nudes and genitals - then you better wear some protection before you start playing... *LOL*

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Edited By Mathandr

@itstheel: I also try to avoid jumping on the "hate for devs" bandwagon because I hate the idea that devs should always bow down in the face of consumer backlash. I really enjoyed Anthem, thought No Man's Sky was entertaining enough, and thought FF15 should have gotten the exact reaction No Man's Sky got - as some examples. I even told my friends after playing Cyberpunk that the bugs aren't at all game breaking, just a few glitches here and there like a sci-fi Skyrim.

But the more I think about it the worse I feel for this game. 8 years of development and there isn't one aspect of it that doesn't have problems. You would think they could have at least made a run and gun platforming game engine without all of the weird bugs like enemies seeing through walls or clipping through the floor. It's been done hundreds of times before. You would think they could have developed a better minimap or a gps for the car that doesn't steer you wrong, they figured it out in Witcher 3 with a horse, but I find myself driving in huge circles following the GPS when I could have just gone in a straight line.

Not only that but there are so many obvious features that just aren't even in there. Why can't my car have autopilot? Why is there no flashlight or witcher-like night vision? Have you SEEN the inventory system? I can't sort the clothes by Armor value, the only sorting options are for weapons only. Does sorting by DPS or Quality put the clothes with the highest Armor Rating on top? Nope. Still have to highlight every one to see if they are worth keeping.

Also don't ever pick up food if you can avoid it. I had to spend an hour selling/disassembling what I could, one item at a time. Oh and if there is a stack you'll have to spend an extra 10 seconds getting the awkward cursor to click and drag the bar all the way to the right and then hit a button to confirm you want to sell the whole stack. This has been solved so many times before - give us a button to hold or an option that will bypass selling confirmation.

My roommate is also playing the game, both of us on our nVidia PCs. His rig is brand new and has been crashing, effects have looked very strange, he had to spend the entire first day just finding the right settings even though nvidia was supposed to pick them for him. I have a much older computer and while I've had to keep it on medium settings I've had far fewer bugs than he has. This seems strange to me.

Beyond the bugs, there is just very little imagination here. Most of the quickhack powers are some version of "knock em out" or "poison em". I'm happy for smart weapons and the PAX mod so I don't have to aim and I don't kill people, but I'm left wondering in a world full of silent quickhack takedowns why anybody still uses guns. Everyone in this future also HATES the future, it's just not fun to be immersed in.

Overall, there is just a severe lack of creativity and imagination that I think might be a symptom of too many developers and not enough creative and focused direction.

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@mathandr: FFXV is a fantastic game today. A shame that it took a decade to develop plus another year or two to get it all the way there.

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@aaronlav: I personally can't get into the game. I still have no idea what's happening in battle. There was also much more drama built up around losing and recovering the car than the main Lunafreya, and that just kills the whole game for me. I'm just not a car guy. Of course, Final Fantasy 6 is the last FF I fully enjoyed.

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That “apology” is a pure BS PR move. Refusing to let reviewers even SEE current-gen versions of the game was a very deliberate choice, knowing the product was garbage. I didn’t even buy the game, but apology not accepted.

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I totally understand about how consumers feel in this situation, especially those who game on the first PS4 & Xbox One consoles. It completely destroys trust in a company and also creates anger and disappointment for a long time which isn't easily forgotten.

I game on a PC and have bought Cyberpunk 2077. I have briefly started the Nomad path, but only created my character and got out the garage. I haven't got far enough to see any bugs myself, but thought i'd wait for a few patches before continuing after hearing of the numerous problems.

Even though I haven't seen any bugs, it still affects what I am doing with the game. I'm sure i'm not the only one doing this. I still have enough trust in CDPR to fix the problems, but after eight years in development, I wonder how much longer it would take to fully have no issues. For the lower-spec consoles, it might be more than a year and by then, people may have upgraded anyway.

I honestly don't know why they released on those lower-end platforms; their reputation has been hit hard for that decision. I know they said at the beginning that it would release on those consoles, but eight years is a long time for a game to develop and, as a result, get increasingly more demanding the more tech and mechanics that keep getting added.

I am still a huge fun of the Witcher series. If they go back to that, it might save them from being bought by a bigger firm. Just my thoughts, which are sadly not reflecting a good outcome for a very bad launch; although not as bad as No Man's Sky. If they can turn it around like Hello Games have done, as NMS is great now, I will be impressed.

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@openmind23: I experienced no bugs on my PC since launch (except the occasional NPC clipping ofc). It depends on your rig, it looks like the bugs are mostly caused by unstable FPS, otherwise I can't explain why some people are experiencing so much trouble and others like me aren't at all. It seems like DLSS is really the deciding factor. So if you have a GPU that can handle that, there is no reason for waiting.

If you even have a GPU that can run RTX do so. This is the best use of RTX to date, its drop-dead gorgeous.

I really hope this will get sorted out soon for base console players, so everybody can enjoy this absolutely fantastic game as well and we can finally focus the discussion on the actual game and not CDPR's shady base console move...

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@xyks2012: Indeed, the graphics on PC are excellent. I have a very good system (i9 9900K / 32GB DDR4 / RTX 3090) so I can use the RTX features.

I hope they add the ability to change the TAA options as it is on by default with only an ini tweak to turn it on or off. Be nice to have more options in the games settings for say "medium" as I natively use 1440p. It is probably what causes the extra blurriness of DLSS. The Image Sharpening filter in the Nvidia Control Panel is useful to help with this though.

It is such a shame for the console players for sure and I too hope that they sort it out fast for them.

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Two years ago, I was laughed at for contemplating purchasing Stadia's streaming service. I am now tempted to sign up (it's free) just to buy Cyberpunk. I hear the experience is better than last-gen and just about equal to PC performance. One and done.

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@itstheel: I have heard the complete opposite from a friend with a good rig using Stadia.

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@bobbo888: @alvisj: interesting. Out of curiosity I've been googling articles on Stadia's handling of C2077 and the gaming sites I've read had positive things to say. Only one way to find out! My internet is solid, and from what I hear, you can keep the game even after your subscription expires. But thanks for the counterpoint; worth considering.

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@bobo888, I'm also tempted to just pirate the damn thing. Or maybe just buy it for my gaming desktop lol

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@itstheel: What happens to the games you own when google shuts down Stadia? It's a dead service unfortunately. I think other cloud services will survive and eventually thrive, but Stadia has no game library and no users. It will be shut down.

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@itstheel: check your connection because I have one and the games may look great but occasional quality drops or complete stops kept me away from buying it on that platform. I'm not trusting a 150 game to a streaming service. Not with issues on the connection side.

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Given the amount of press and the thousands of people talking about Cyberpunk 2077 for better or for worse they can salvage this because people like the setting. They do like the game environment its characters, gameplay and so on and CDRED does have a good reputation.

Its important to note. CDRED made a mistake. Their reputation has been clearly hit.
But the fact they've been a great developer and taken a pro consumer stance throughout the years means they should be given a chance. This is not your typical publisher or developer.

I'll point out some of the things CDRED did and is doing that is different from other publishers:

- They priced their games fairly. With The Witcher they applied the same price across all regions.
Meaning that if the game was $60 in the US it would be about 50 € in the EU because of the exchange rate.
- Unlike Activision with COD and other titles CDRED has refused to increase their game prices.Game Prices Go Up to $70, the First Increase in 15 Years - Bloomberg
- They have followed the old school model of expansion packs instead of season pass or smaller in scope DLCs.
- They have continued to improve their past games not only adding content and new features but also providing modding support.
- Their terms of service is one of the fairest ones in the industry with no hidden agendas. They have a pro community stance allowing streamers to show their content without issues. (something some devs are now criticizing) Streamers should pay developers, says Stadia creative director (
- Years after The Witcher 3 was released I still got bonus content on GOG. They even offered The Witcher 3 for free on PC to console owners:
The Witcher 3 is giving PS4 and Xbox owners a free PC copy to experience in all its glory - The Verge
- They are the only devs providing a 30 day refund window no matter if you played the game extensively or not.
GOG's New Refund Policy Is Great for Consumers, but Game Developers Aren't So Sure About It (

I could point out many other things but I think its clear that just because they did a big mistake, lets not forget their flawless track record and above all their pro consumer stance.

On PC the game is being way better received. So it's not a question that the game is bad. It's just that the game is clearly unfinished.

They just need to do exactly that. Finish it.

- Clear the game of any bugs

- Improve AI.

- Optimize as much as possible for current gen consoles.

- Offer refunds to anyone that asks. (they're doing it already)

I personally think that this should have been a next gen only title but since they wanted to release on current gen they now need to provide an at least acceptable experience while recommending consumers to move to next gen to fully enjoy the game.

I know many of you here have strong opinions and are disappointed as you should.
Someone messed up for sure. I'm sure they knew about the game state. I'm sure someone was in so much pressure that they decided to tell the big boss the game was ready to release instead of asking for another delay. They are humans.

But let's be clear. CDRED is doing everything it can to put it right. It is offering refunds to anyone that asks for it. They have taken a big hit.

But given they have been one of the best developers and also extremely supportive of their clients throughout the decades and even today, I think its also time for me as a consumer to give them some support.
Perhaps its time to understand that CDRED achievement wasn't only how good The Witcher series was. It was also how they treated their consumers.

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@joalopes: You're really going to give them credit for how they treat their customers? CDPR lied to their customers about the state of this game for years!! This game has been in development for over seven years. They showed off the first trailer in January 2013, before the original XB1 and PS4 released! They didn't "want" to release on the XB1/PS4, they had to because the game has been designed for those consoles since day one!

To top off how CDPR mistreated their customers, they didn't allow reviewers access to the PS4/XB1 versions prior to launch. Every single pre-launch review of this game is based on the PC version. They knew how bad the XB1 and PS4 versions are and didn't want bad reviews to cause a waive of cancellations prior to launch.

If a company like EA and Ubisoft had done something like this gamers would be near uniformly calling for the company to be driven out of business.

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@WarGameJunkie: I totally agree with you.

And I don't intend to defend CDPR. Reputation is hard to gain and easy to lose. But CDPR cannot be compared to EA or Ubisoft given CDPR much more consumer friendly stance over the last decade.

This is CDPR first great mistake. But don't dismiss everything else they have done.

For instance how they gave away The Witcher 3 on PC to all console owners. How they are only online store distribuiting games without DRM. How they implemented a refund policy that far exceeds the standard on other platforms. How they refused to sell games at $70 while.other companies like EA have pushed it.

Meanwhile EA for instance had similar issues with games like:

Mass Effect Andromeda


Sim City

Battlefield 3

Even Fifa.

EA criticism is not new. They were quick to raise prices on video games pushing others to do the same. Bought and destroyed a number of competing companies. Lately tried to move the gaming industry into the dangerous casino like model.

This is not a pointless opinion. I play a lot of EA games and enjoy them. But check for yourself:

Bethesda Game Studios is a company relatively similar to CDPR. They too had a couple of big issues. Fallout 76 and the payable horse armor mod.

I mention this last example to purposely show you that not all companies are the same..

CDPR has tried to maintain the old school business model alive. No DRM. Expansion packs that offer loads of content. Meanwhile most other companies have moved to try and monetize everything. Even in single player games.

Despite Cyberpunk 2077 issues you don't see monetization like what Ubisoft did with Assassin's Creed as an example.

So I agree with you but let's be fair.

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@joalopes: I also have high hopes for the developers given their track record.

I've been enjoying the game, a solid 6-7/10 in my book - playable, passes time, but doesn't really inspire me in any new way. That said, I don't think clearing the bugs would bring that score up any higher.

The biggest problem I have with the game is that it lacks imagination. There is nothing here that hasn't already been made in other games, and better. There are so many empty tunnels and corners where the weirdest, scariest things could be hiding - but it's always gonna be some people standing around in a circle, the only thing distinguishing them from everyone else being faction clothing and a yellow chevron above their heads. Robots are just metal versions of that. Maybe I haven't gotten far enough into the game to see more creative robotics, but something tells me I've run the gamut.

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Edited By xyks2012

@joalopes: Great summary. Its already a fantastic game, but some features still need some work.

The AI could really use some help (though it absolutely works to immerse you),

Vehicle collisions at high speed needs to be at least a little punishing, especially on bikes. Right now collision are 0 consequence, you just maw everything down

Walk Toggle for Keyboards

And we really need more apartments

However, people don't listen to whoever thinks those shortcomings make this game bad. Story, questdesign, animation and omg the soundtrack are among gaming's best. Its not perfect, but it still is a must-play and most of those issues can be fixed...

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@xyks2012: Or not having stuck cars and agrod NPCs disappear when you turn around. As soon as I noticed that I realized what a joke this game is. They arent gonna able to fix that without major foundational changes to how the engine operates.

Stick a fork in this one. Its done. I praised it initially but once you see the cracks it doesnt even feel open world anymore.

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Edited By Berserk8989

The game was expected to sell 30 million in the first year? Wha? That's almost Rockstar level, they couldn't be serious.

Edit: Then again, It's five platforms... I see now after googling that RDR2 sold more than 25 million on just two in the first year, so maybe it's not that unrealistic as I first thought.

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They didn't release a star citizen but its launch isn't as bad as possible make out to be.

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@Crazy_sahara: Then name a worse AAA launch of the previous 10 years or so.

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@Berserk8989: Battlefront 2, Anthem, Mass Effect Andromeda, the list goes on.

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Edited By Berserk8989

@shillermiller: How were those worse?

- None of those games were unplayable on certain systems they were released on

- None of those ran or looked as bad as Cyberpunk on base consoles

- None of those were as buggy, even Andromeda

- None of those missed numerous crucial features that were advertised in the marketing campaign

Sure, BF2 had their own fiasco with the terrible lootboxes in the multiplayer portion, but was otherwise a well polished game that delivered what was promised. The only game I can think of that came close to Cyberpunk 2077's disastrous launch, is Fallout 76.

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@Berserk8989: Batman AK

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Edited By Berserk8989

@ohmya337: That's a good one, completely forgot about it. Still, it was perfectly fine and was polished on consoles and therefore still not a worse launch, even though the PC port was horrendous.

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Edited By NilsDoen

Well... they have released the most hyped up game in modern history in a state that is worse than any other game in modern history. Im pretty sure that has an effect on perception based stock market. Thats called assets btw, not wealth.

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