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Cyberpunk 2077 Launch Issues Reportedly Cost Founders $1 Billion In Wealth

As CDPR's stock has tumbled following the release of Cyberpunk 2077, the founders' joint share has gone severely down in value as well.


The technical issues surrounding the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 have had an impact on CD Projekt Red's stock value, and that in turn is reportedly hitting its founders' net worth. Bloomberg reports that the company's founders have cut the value of their joint stake by $1 billion in only a matter of days.

The joint 34% stake in the Polish company is co-owned by three executives--Marcin Iwinski, Adam Kicinski, and Piotr Nielubowicz--along with a fourth owner, Michal Kicinski. Those four have become the among the wealthiest Poles in recent years as anticipation grew for Cyberpunk. But as the stock has been dropping, so has their wealth. Their stake was reportedly worth about $3 billion on Tuesday.

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Perhaps more importantly, analysts say this launch has cost the studio significant credibility. Average analyst forecasts for 12-month sales dropped from 30 million copies before the release to 25.6 million copies now.

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions appear to be one major cause of the stock and forecast drops. Those platforms are popular and widespread, and they're also significantly buggier and less graphically impressive than the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X versions. Players seeking to avoid those versions, or holding out until they opt-in to the new generation, mean a smaller pool of potential consumers.

CD Projekt Red had issued an apology for the performance on last-gen systems, and recommended players who are dissatisfied seek refunds. But it also acknowledged that it had no special agreement for such refunds, and recently stopped recommending them on PlayStation.

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Hopefully they learn from this. Next time they should just focus on PC and next gen and not put the weight of every console on their shoulders - and be dishonest about the quality on top of that.

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@mooglestar: It's not just the ps4 and xbox one performance that is an issue but the game is full of bugs at every turn. Been playing the game on pc for over 35 hours so far and on average got a bug every minute.

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@sebb: Jeez what a mess. The only good thing I've read about the game is when it's the PC version. So if that still needs so much work, I can't imagine the last gens. I mean, it might be possible that due to hardware limitations it's not exactly fixable on some level?

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@mooglestar: I think the performance on PS4 and Xbox one can be improved if they lower the graphics settings. The PS4 and Xbox one versions look like they’re running on medium settings on pc with a dynamic resolution. So they could lower the settings to low. But that will make it look like a ps3 game. They should have taken all that into account when they were making the game. They should have designed it for the lowest common denominator, ensuring it runs well (1080p, 30 FPS) on PS4 and Xbox one, and then scale from there for ps5 series X and pc. But looks like they focused more on high end pcs and next gen consoles.

In terms of bugs though that is a whole other story. The bugs are there due to them purposefully not fixing their code before releasing the game. The bugs are not related to performance but rather to the programming code of the game: people from side quests calling you in the middle of another mission, cars skidding when you just brake to turn a corner, objects hanging in mid air, your character sliding back down ladders after getting to the top, I’ve had the game crash to desktop a few times, etc. All these are not strictly game breaking but they are all things that need to be fixed in code.

Being a programmer myself, it looks like they just focused on programming all the different systems and features to get them in a working state but did not fix the bugs, that can be more time consuming than programming an entire feature. It looks like they were rushed to release the game. It needed more time to remove bugs as much as possible to provide players with a good experience.

In terms of quality, the main mission and a few side quests are well made. The story was engaging. Too bad some of the bugs were distracting.

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mogan  Moderator

@mooglestar: I don't imagine we'll see anything else THIS rough from them again. Cyberpunk was kind of the perfect storm of hugely ambitious game, two active console generations, and a global pandemic. But, should that unfortunate mix every happen to CDPR again, hopefully they'll now know to either scale down the game, delay it way longer than they did, or just drop the older console generation.

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@mogan: Indeed. Ah well. This debacle is just one small part of the continuing theme of 2020. Hopefully next year will see more positives and less negatives. With their support for Witcher 3 as example, I don't see them just taking this on the chin and giving up. They'll make it right at some point.

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Edited By mogan  Moderator

@mooglestar: It's not just The Witcher 3. The Witchers 1 and 2 also launched in varying shades of ****ed, and CDPR went above and beyond fixing those games up. Cyberpunk is, by far, their worst launch, so they've got their work cut out for them, but I think the last feather CDPR has left in their cap is their sterling track record of supporting their games post release.

Plus, I'm pretty sure they want to sell DLC for Cyberpunk, so I imagine they HAVE to make things right for too many people to go for that.

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@mogan: Never played the first two as I don't have a capable laptop. So just the third on PS4. But yeah that's good. Sucks to be in the dark though. Not only about the timeframe of all the big fixes, but also the next gen versions. One would think the bugs will delay those.

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Edited By Jd234

@mooglestar: They will make right but their reputation has bin damaged and people will be more skeptical to buy future games from them without reviews and doesn't matter if they make it right at some point that won't fix the damage they've already done. They shouldnt of lied and just delayed it till ready or better yet don't give a release date and then force ur employees on crunch(after the said they wouldn't) and still release a diaster

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@Jd234: They definitely have a lot to come back from. Fortunately for people like me who didn't have faith in the last gen versions in the first place, I'll be unaffected. Still, who knows when the next gen versions are even coming. Sigh.

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All these reviewers talking about "last gen consoles"... I don't even know if you guys realize the PS5/XBOXS versions aren't even releasing until early 2021. The version they're running right now is for the "last gen consoles" in backwards compatibility mode.

This game was literally MADE FOR the "last gen console" and it plays like absolute trash because it was rushed and not optimized.

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@cleric670: yeah looks like they focused all their efforts on the new consoles and pc. And completely missed the point: that the game they were making was for ps4 and xbox one (and pc).

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@cleric670: I'm playing the game on PC, but what you said is on point. This game was intended for PS4 / Xbox One. There's really no excuse for it. The PS5 / Xbox Series X version isn't even coming out till 2021 as you noted.

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It's a stock price. It's fake money.

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Console gamers finally getting a taste of the PC gaming life, in regards to the bugs and crashes. But amplified a bit of course.

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@noodles227: not sure what you are inferring here? that console games come out bug free?

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CDPR's "glorious days" went by at express speeds huh?

They went from "these guys are the new BioWare!" in 2015 to "no better than UbiSoft or others of the likes in the industry" five years later. Pretty impressive. I think they're the new record on the block for how fast a company can crumble.

I can guarantee that Cyberpunk 2077 is not, and absolutely will never become a 'franchise' after this. There is NO way they would announce a sequel and people would suddenly believe in them again. If they worked on CP2077 for about 7 years and couldn't even make it work on the generation of consoles that they actually started their development on back in 2012 / 2013 then there's no way they would be able to do it for this generation for a new title.

The only things left for CP2077 are 1) Patches, 2) one or two DLCs and that's it. This game will NOT follow the No Man's Sky route with major content and features updates 2 or 3 times per year.

My gut feeling is their next game will be another Witcher, simply because we know at least Witcher 3 was good. If they do another Cyberpunk after this, they're dumber than I would have ever imagined.

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@rekonym: They made back the entire cost of the game development AND marketing in just pre-sales. Your'e a fool to think this is the last version. Everything from here on out is gravy. Sure, there's a few bugs and the base console plebs will whine for a few months till it gets patched, but the underlying game is magnificent. It just needed an extra few months in the oven.

You're delusional if you think this is the last.

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@rekonym: They really dropped the ball on cyberpunk. Full of bugs and major performance issues on ps4 and xbox one.

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@rekonym: They certainly have a black eye after this, but I'd expect they will fix the problems and be chastened. I agree that they might go back to the Witcher for a bit, but the Cyberpunk brand/IP will still have tremendous value by the end of this debacle, and abandoning it would be insane.

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Edited By bababooey12

@rekonym: Game runs fine on my Xbox One X and looks great too. I mean when I can make out the texture on the passenger seat of the car as if I'm actually sitting in it in real life...that to me is a win in the graphics department.

What I find impressive is for a game that's only been out for a week, they're offering refunds as well as laying out a course of action..patches when to expect them etc. A lot better than most companies.

Lol No Man's Sky IMO is boring it was empty when it first came out and still empty now. If it wasn't for Gamepass I would've never even tried it. A much better game is SOT, which unlike No Man's, has actually added worth while content since hopefully the game doesn't follow No Man's Sky...that game is trash anyway.

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Edited By notjm

@bababooey12: screw graphics, do the cops spawn randomly and start shooting you for no reason? Do the cars stop if ANY thing comes in their way without trying to get around it? That being said, what is the point of the wanted system if you can get away from the cops by running around the corner? Is the city full of lifeless NPCs that say nothing and dumber than ps2 era npcs from GTA 3? Ask these questions about the game and not just focus on seat graphics....the problem lies in the very DNA of the game, something that patches cannot fix...

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@notjm: yeah and why in the hell does my vehicle skid whenever I hit the brakes to turn a corner? So fucking annoying! Ruines driving completely, constantly crashing into people and things. And the annoying AI calling you about his missing cars whenever you're in the middle of dialogue for a side or main mission. And having to re-climb ladders over and over because when you reach the top you fall back down.

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Edited By bababooey12

@notjm: lol no where did I say that graphics was all that mattered....I was merely using it as one of many points. People have been complaining about how the graphics look horrible etc. Yet, on my Xbox One X...which is last gen console even if it is a step up the graphics look amazing...funny I also haven't experienced those issues you've mentioned with NPCs. I also can't compare it to GTA3 never played the game....thanks for your input though. I guess we are playing two different games, because where I stand NPCs aren't an issue. They behave as I expect. I'm also playing on Hard, so I have a bit of a challenge....that mode also affects enemies movements etc. For instance during the training portion I was pretty impressed with how guys actually moved and took cover as I advanced vs just standing there like an idiot like a lot of games.

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@rekonym: The next gen console version isn't even released yet! What they're playing right now on the PS5 is the PS4 version in backwards compatibility mode. The next gen version doesn't even come out until early 2021.

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Edited By dashaka

@cleric670: you do realize they’re not JUST the PS4 versions right? They’ve been modified for next gen, have advanced settings and resolution bumps, population density tweaks, and additional graphics settings that the player can choose. They basically chose different settings like on PC, and locked them in on each console. They literally customized the series X, series s, and PS5 with all their own graphical settings. How is that the same version? It’s not. You’re uninformed if you think these are JUST straight up the last gen versions running on new hardware. Even with just a bump to resolution, it’s not straight up the last gen version.

They messed up the launch, badly, but no one needs to spread misinformation.

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@dashaka: I don't think you understand what "backwards compatibility mode" is on the PS5. The game IS RUNNING BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY MODE. CDPR even posted that the PS5 version isn't being released until sometime 2021. What you're playing on the PS5 is the PS4PRO version in backwards compatability mode.

Feel free to google to verify, don't take my word for it.

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@cleric670: You’re solo’ing out the PS5 version now, when you bring up the Xbox version in a lot of your other posts.

“ Xbox Series X also offers more than just backwards compatibility. While it does seem to share a bunch of features from the Xbox One X version of the game, it gains the ability to choose between quality and performance modes - a choice you don't have on One X. ”

That’s not JUST backwards compatibility.

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@dashaka: lol you should probably do a little research before calling someone out about misinformation makes you seem stupid...feel free to read the article below one of many websites saying the same thing....the true upgrade for both versions come out next year...even states that you're more or less playing the backwards compatible game on the PS5 AND Xbox Series....

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Edited By dashaka

@bababooey12: I have done my research, and I’ve experienced the game first hand. “more or less” isn’t the same thing. You just admitted yourself that they’re not the same. everyone is well aware that the big next gen full patches are on the way, that’s not even up for discussion. All I said was playing on PS5 and Xbox One is a vastly better experience, with added options that enhance the game. Which, also, isn’t even up for discussion, it’s just a fact.

You guys are acting like these games run, and perform exactly the same on next gen, when they clearly don’t, with vastly improved frame rate, less glitches and pop in, added visual effects, denser population, and for Series X, even enhanced resolution. That’s absolutely not “the same” as last gen. I’m not sure if you’re ignorant, and just can’t grasp the concept that these games are vastly different than last gen, on a visual and technical level. The developers literally applied better features for next gen, already. No ones saying it won’t get better, that’s pretty damn obvious, with the full next gen versions (patch) coming later on, also, no ones saying the current version IS next gen, you guys are clearly confused on what point people are trying to make.

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@dashaka: lol there wasn't anything to admit....I never once said they were the same no crap you have better load times, less pop in etc....that stuff you describe is from the hardware side of things not the're going to have those things for the simple fact of playing on next gen systems(faster load times due to an ssd etc lol.) What the guy was talking about and multiple articles plus the devs themselves have mentioned is you are playing basically a backwards compatible version of the game as stated in the the article the true patch and true version of the won't be released until next year that's facts as well unless everyone is just lying right? Most of what you described is from the hardware side of things clearly you don't know what you're talking about. Yes, glitches, bugs are from the software side. Also, hate to break it to you but from what I've heard and read the PS5 version which as stated was "more or less" this gen not next is unplayable.....if it was the next version would probably work fine. An example would be COD Cold War causing tons of Xbox Series X to shutdown etc..suspected cause of that is downloading the wrong....version meaning they had the "backwards compatible" version as in the one for this gen and not the one for you're right its not more or less the same thing lol.

"The warning is, actually, a deeply weird one: Cyberpunk 2077 is not out on Xbox Series X and PS5. Go ahead! Search “Cyberpunk 2077 PS5” on Amazon. Not there! You’ll see it for PS4, not PS5. Same goes for Series X/Xbox One.

You can, of course, play the game on PS5 and Xbox Series X, because both of these consoles are backwards compatible with their previous-generation versions. But if you play the game on these consoles, you will be playing the PS4/Xbox One versions of these games and not the PS5/Xbox Series X versions."

Different site Forbes might of heard of it...

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Edited By dashaka

@bababooey12: And what you’re not getting is the simple fact that next gen offers additional features. On Xbox, you literally have graphic settings and can choose 1440 at 60FPS, or 1770 at roughly 30fps. That’s ALONE is my point, you have extra options, that enhance gameplay. Also, in Xbox Series X compared to Xbox One, they added denser car population and denser NPC population, that’s not the same, that’s addition things. That’s it, thats been my whole point. It’s not “just enhanced” by the hardware, we’re fully aware that the PS5 can automatically enhance a lot of PS4 games by upping their FPS, which is sometimes even a choice by the devs to unlock, which they clearly did for this too. You realize developers cap frame rates too right?

You’re acting like I’m saying the PS5 and Xbox Series X have a patch that unlocks the next gen versions already. It’s like arguing with a wall, you’re just not getting it lmao. Watch some digital foundry videos if you have to, and go back and read what I’ve previously said in my posts, there’s literally no arguing with what I’ve said, it’s just a fact of how the game is enhanced on next gen consoles, and what extra little settings the developers added for those systems, mainly Xbox series s and series x. Of course there are things that are automatic on next gen, like frame rate, no one said there wasn’t.

The sad part is, you’re interpreting this as me defending the game, or defending CDPR, because you’re so bent on throwing shade at the company, that you’re just trying to argue with me that everything is shit. I could care less, the launch was a disaster on every level, but when you’re just spewing biased hate towards something, you start to argue that there are absolutely NO optimization that they did for next gen. Or that they added additional graphical settings or enhancements or tweaks at ALL for those systems, when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

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@dashaka: lol I agree with you, talking with you is more or less talking in circles...this whole discussion was based on the fact someone had mentioned how the PS5 version and Xbox Series version are just versions of the old generation and the new gen

version isn't out one ever made mention of you defending or not defending the game or company. I could careless about whether you like it or them. Yes, I'm aware of what unlocked vs lock fps means etc thanks for the failed lesson. I have posted links backing up what I was saying you just keep repeating yourself and offer nothing credible to support yourself. No one wasn't saying there weren't enchantments or that performance wise it wouldn't run great on next gen...just that full gen wouldn't be released until next year, therefore PS5 is playing the PS4 version and Xbox Series is playing old Xbox One. There's no Cyberpunk 2077 with the Xbox Series X/S logo. No Cyberpunk that is for PS5, just PS4. You are essentially playing a dumbed down version of the game on a better that has the help of a SSD to load that if not capped by the devs is capable of hitting up to 120FPS're still playing a backwards compatible version. That's what the Orginal poster was talking about...this has been backed by many sites etc...those are your facts.

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Edited By dashaka

@bababooey12: Which is exactly what I’ve been saying, it’s that version, but with enhancements, thanks for finally repeating literally what I’ve been saying this whole time. It’s so odd how you literally think I’m trying to say this is a next gen version or something, when you just repeated exactly what I’ve been saying. It’s been fun. ✌🏻

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@rekonym said:

I can guarantee that Cyberpunk 2077 is not, and absolutely will never become a 'franchise' after this. There is NO way they would announce a sequel and people would suddenly believe in them again. If they worked on CP2077 for about 7 years and couldn't even make it work on the generation of consoles that they actually started their development on back in 2012 / 2013 then there's no way they would be able to do it for this generation for a new title.

A few things to note here. First, the game was most definitely not in "production" for 7 years. There are numerous sources that have stated full production on the game did not begin until the final DLC release for the Witcher 3 - May 31, 2016. So other than some pre-production related content being made for promotional purposes, and internal preparation for full production to begin, there likely isn't much work on the core game done prior to the second half of 2016.

Second, there is no telling what they will do with the franchise. Time will only tell. If they patch up many of the issues, release a good bit of DLC content and generally shore up the gameplay loops, there is no reason they couldn't make another game. They have prior art to work from now.

But don't take my feedback as me being light on CDPR. They messed up, and it's pretty apparent they know it. They never should have teased the game back in 2012 when they did, it only leads people to believe the project is actively being worked on, when it clearly wasn't. They put a considerable amount of effort into the 4 years of real development the game actually had, but it likely needed to be 7 years to meet all of our expectations. They misled us and it's disappointing; but I'm hopeful. If No Man's Sky could make the comeback they pulled off, I'm hoping CDPR can do the same.

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Wasn't the company's shares overvalued in the first place?

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Thats how u know its really bad, when it actually effects the ones at the top not just the ones at the bottom.

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Great news! They deserve it. Cocky ass MFers!

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**** them. Lied to everyone just to sell the most of an unfinished game.

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That's a lot of dough.

I guess the take home message for them, as well as every game company out there, is that if you release a product make sure it is top notch in terms of its performance, quality, and polish.


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@videogameninja: I would say top notch is excessive. Just make sure it’s pretty good, or at least good enough that you don’t have to lie to consumers and force reviewers to sign NDAs.

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