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Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Shares Key Diversity Details About Its Workforce

CD Projekt Red announces that women make up 26 percent of its staff and many more details about its employees.

As part of The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red's latest earnings report, the company shared some insight into its workforce. Specifically, the company provided an update on how many people it employs, their gender, and more.

"CD Projekt embraces diversity in the belief that a workplace which respect diversity is the cornerstone of openness and trust. This enables us to fully unlock the creative potential of our employees, which, in turn, translates into increased depth, innovation, and appeal of our products," the Polish developer said. "We also believe that diversity reinforces and enriches our organizational culture."

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Factors like gender are "irrelevant" at CDPR when it comes to filling executive and managerial positions, the company said.

In regards to specific numbers at the highest levels, the CPDR management board of directors was comprised solely of men in 2019 and 2018. The Supervisory board of directors, however, included one woman.

Overall, CDPR employed 1,044 people at the end of 2019, which is up 18 percent from 2018. 84 percent of people worked for the CD Projekt Red game development groups, and the remaining 16 percent worked for Of the 872 people who worked for CDPR at the end of 2019, 640 were men and 232 were women. The bulk of male and female developers were between the ages of 30 and 50. GOG, meanwhile, employed 130 men and 42 women at the end of 2019.

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Overall, women make up 26 percent of CDPR's total staff, which is an increase from 2018. CDPR also pointed out that it's much higher than the Polish game industry average of 15.5 percent. The number of female developers working for CDPR has grown every year since 2017, and the percentage compared to men has stayed around the same, fluctuating between 24 percent and 27 percent.

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In 2019, CDPR hired 195 men and 82 women, while GOG hired 38 men and 11 women. Most of the new hires, across gender and business division between CDPR and GOG, were under the age of 30.

CDPR also shared some location-based details, revealing that the majority of all developers (713 CDPR staff and 172 GOG staff) worked from the company's office in Warsaw. The Krakow branch had 108 people, while the Wroclaw office had 38 people. All of these numbers are up year-over-year. CDPR also has offices in Los Angeles, Shanghai, Berlin, Tokyo, and Seoul, but these are non-development offices that handle local marketing and sales. Employee numbers for these satellite offices were not disclosed. In total, 66 percent of CDPR's workforce consists of game developers.

In terms of the age of employees, CDPR said 51 percent of its workforce is between the ages of 30 and 39. The second-largest group is the bracket of people aged 20-29, which makes up 42 percent of its workforce. The overall average age for an employee at CDPR in 2019 was 31.

CDPR also announced that 21 percent of its employees are foreign nationals, which seems to demonstrate that people are very enthusiastic about joining the developer. That makes sense, given The Witcher is one of the biggest and most acclaimed franchises in gaming, and Cyberpunk 2077 also has a lot of hype behind it. At the end of 2019, CDPR employed people from 44 different foreign countries, including Ukraine (28 people), Russia (22 people), Spain (17 people), Canada (17 people), the United States (16 people), the United Kingdom (15 people), France (15 people), Italy (14 people), and Germany (14 people).

Additionally, the developer confirmed that it employs four people with disabilities, noting that it has undertaken "every effort" to adapt its workplace setup to suit their needs.

The full CDPR report includes many more fascinating details and datapoints regarding the company's workforce and policies, including its dog-friendly stance. Go read the report here.

CDPR's next game is Cyberpunk 2077, which is slated to launch in September for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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