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Creative's Ultra TNT2 Finally Announced

Everyone knew it was coming, and today Creative Labs makes it official.


After weeks of dodging the subject, Creative Labs finally threw its hat into the TNT2 ring with this morning's announcement of the 3D Blaster Riva TNT2 Ultra. As the name implies, the card is built around nVidia's high-end TNT2 Ultra platform and comes with 32MB of SDRAM. Standard features found on all TNT2-based video cards include the ability to display 2048x2048 texture sizes. Single-pass texturing and 32bpp rendering are also supported. Additionally, the 3D Blaster Riva TNT2 Ultra features TV-out, S-Video out and an upgrade port for hardware such as Creative's Dxr3 PC-DVD playback.

As of yet, Creative hasn't announced the board's internal and memory speeds or proposed software bundle, if any. The Riva TNT2 Ultra will be available at retail outlets by mid-May for around US$229.99.

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