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Comic-Con: Fox's Killer AI Show Next Gets New Trailer And Premiere Date

John Slattery stars in the new action-packed techno-thriller.


Fox has released a new trailer for Next, a Black Mirror-like thriller from creator and executive producer Manny Coto (24: Legacy). The official logline for the series says that Next is a "propulsive, fact-based thriller about the emergence of a deadly, rogue artificial intelligence" and the serious threats that it could pose in the present and not-so-distant future. Next is slated to debut October 6 on Fox.

The series stars John Slattery (Man Men, Arrested Development) as Silicon Valley pioneer Paul LeBlanc, who discovers that one of his own creations--a powerful AI--might spell global catastrophe, and he teams up with a cybercrime agency to fight a new, more insidious kind of villain.

Rounding out Next's cast are Michael Mosley (Ozark), Jason Butler Harner (Ozark), Eve Harlow (Agents of SHIELD), Aaron Moten (Mozart in the Jungle), among others.

The trailer's roll-out coincides with the Next virtual panel at Comic-Con@Home, which can also be watched on YouTube.

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