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CGDC Event Set for Jan. 30

Game Developers head to Austin, Texas, for CGDC miniconference at the end of January.


A Computer Game Developers Conference mini-event has been scheduled for January 30 at the Convention Center in downtown Austin, Texas. Brought to Austin, in part, by the efforts of Ellen Guon Beeman of Illusion Machines Inc., George "The Fat Man" Sanger, and Dave Taylor of Crack Dot Com, the event will feature a day full of panels, roundtable discussions, speeches, and classes.

Topics will include online multiplayer design for the 21st century, processor optimization, persistent worlds, raising venture capital for your start-up, managing press relations, and the feasibility (or lack thereof) of independent game development. Brian Moriarty of MPath, Ken Demarest of Titanic Entertainment, Digital Anvil's John Miles, and id Software's Paul Steed are among those scheduled to speak at the mini-event. The registration fee is US$75 before January 16, $125 after that.

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