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Capcom Still With Saturn

Reports circulating that Capcom was indefinitely delaying all US Saturn products turn out to be completely false.


Early Wednesday morning, GameSpot News was tipped off to a story on the web site of Internet mail order company National Console Support (NCS) that said Capcom was indefinitely delaying all Saturn products in the US. This would be big news, since Capcom is easily the biggest Saturn third-party licensee.

If the company did halt its Saturn development for the US, that could spell a speedy death for Sega's system this year. The company's games are regarded by many fans as the best for the system, surpassing the PlayStation versions of the same games.

GS News contacted Capcom USA today about the story, and was informed that the report is completely false, and that Capcom is NOT pulling out of the US Saturn market. To quote a Capcom spokeswoman, "We'll be supporting the system for as long as Sega is in the US." No doubt that's good news to Saturn owners who will be enjoying Capcom games on their systems for a while.

In fact, Mega Man X4, Resident Evil, and Marvel Super Heroes will be on store shelves for the Saturn by the end of the month. According to Capcom, NCS will be printing a retraction of its report, which appeared today in a Daily Journal article on its site.

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