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Canopus Casts WitchDoctor Magic

Breaking from its Voodoo roots, Canopus announces its second nVidia Riva 128 card.


Canopus, the powerhouse behind Voodoo Graphics-based boards like the Pure3D, announced its second nVidia Riva 128-based graphics board, the WitchDoctor. The company's first board based on the Riva chip, the Total3D 128V, offers more features for those with the need for video editing.

The WitchDoctor will feature 4MB of RAM on a 2D/3D board powered by nVidia's Riva 128 chip. Canopus has also announced a new patent-pending technology it calls DirectPath. This technology allows the WitchDoctor to reverse a Voodoo2 pass-through connection to give gamers better desktop clarity and TV-out capabilities.

Basically, if you have a Voodoo2-based card without a TV-out connection, you'll gain one with the WitchDoctor. The technology also allows owners of the company's Pure3D II LX or Pure3D II to send information through an internal connection to the WitchDoctor without extra cables or connectors.

The card should be available in July for US$139.95 and has a minimum requirement of a Pentium 90 running Windows 95, NT 4.0, and an empty AGP slot.

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