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Call of Duty Veteran Leaves Raven Software

A 14-year veteran of the Call of Duty series has left Raven Software, one of the many studios responsible for the series.


A staff member at Raven Software who worked mostly on Call of Duty games for 14 years has left the studio. Senior executive producer Ryan Burnett announced on Twitter that Monday, April 12 is his last day at the studio. He did not say what his next job will be.

Burnett's Linkedin page lists ten different Call of Duty games as projects he worked on, including Warzone, Black Ops 4, WWII, and Modern Warfare Remastered. He worked as a tech programmer before transitioning into a producer/project management role, where he slowly became more senior over his years with the company.

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Now Playing: The Truth About SBMM And Call Of Duty: Warzone

Though Raven Software first made a name for itself with first-person shooters like Heretic, Hexen, and Soldier of Fortune, it has served principally as a Call of Duty support studio since 2010. Back in 2019, reports suggested that Raven and fellow CoD developer Sledgehammer were slated to lead development on Call of Duty 2020, but those plans were scuttled and Treyarch was tapped to lead development. That game eventually became Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, with Treyarch and Raven co-developing.

In other Warzone news, the game's ongoing zombie event continues to get worse. Players have seen the long-rumored nukes falling from the sky, but that was apparently just a bug. Additionally, a recent update added a new sniper rifle to both Cold War and Warzone.

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