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Call Of Duty: Vanguard Patch Notes Adds Fan-Favorite Shipment Map

Vanguard's November 17 update brings a World War II-themed reskin of Shipment, and the patch notes address a few bug fixes.


Call of Duty: Vanguard's November 17 update adds Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's iconic Shipment map with a new look themed for the World War II setting. The patch notes for the 3GB update also brings a few bug fixes, including one that prevented players from equipping weapon camos.

Shipment, which is the smallest map from the original Modern Warfare, is now available for players to enjoy in a 24/7 playlist of mixed modes on Vanguard's reskin of the map. Shipment has returned in several Call of Duty titles over the years, but this is the first time the map has destructible walls. Some of the shipping containers are no longer bulletproof on Shipment, as some will feature similar wooden boards as the destructible walls and windows winthin the rest of Vanguard's map pool.

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Now Playing: History Of Call Of Duty WW2 Games

The patch notes also mention a fix for PlayStation 5 users who were previously unable to start up Vanguard if they had less than 40GB of space available on the console. Additionally, the update addressed an issue that would cause players to crash when attempting to send a clan invite, and another bug that prevented some weapon camos from being equipped.

Call of Duty: Vanguard will have a Free Access Multiplayer weekend coming up, running from November 18-22.

You can find the full patch notes below, as shared by Sledgehammer Games.

This Call of Duty update continues as Activision Blizzard faces lawsuits and other investigations related to sexual harassment and discrimination against women. Additionally, this comes just a day after a Wall Street Journal report claims that Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick knew of sexual misconduct at the company, including instances of sexual assault and rape. A group of shareholders have since sent a letter calling for his resignation.

Nov 17 Patch Notes


  • Maps:
    • Shipment now available in public matches
  • Global
    • PS5 – Resolved issue where players could not start up Vanguard if they had less than 40gb of space available
  • Weapons
    • Fixed bug preventing players from equipping camos
    • Players can no longer equip camos they do not own
  • Clans
    • Fixed issue where Clan Members would crash when attempting to send a clan invite
  • Progression
    • Corrected inconsistencies for Next Unlock in the Operators Tab


  • Scoreboard
    • Addressed an issue where players could not view the Scoreboard after dying or after Exfil.
  • UI
    • Addressed an issue where players could not view Armor Health in the HUD.
  • Objectives
    • Addressed an issue where Objectives would not start properly, preventing progression.

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