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Call Of Duty Mobile Adds Gun Game Mode And More

Gun Game returns to Call of Duty Mobile this week for a limited time, along with new weekly challenges and the Shock RC.


There's a lot coming to Call of Duty this week across Modern Warfare, Warzone, and Call of Duty Mobile. Steel Legion continues in the mobile game, and the returning Gun Game is available for a limited time, among a couple of other new additions.

You can now earn the newest Scorestreak, the Shock RC, in the Free Battle at Tier 25. This handy little RC car can detect nearby enemies and paralyze them with a continuous electric shock, allowing you to roll in and finish them off for an easy kill. Simply play matches and complete challenges to ascend the Battle Pass and earn the Shock RC for free.

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Now Playing: Let's Play Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 3

Season 5's Steel Legion continues apace.
Season 5's Steel Legion continues apace.

Meanwhile, Gun Game returns for a limited time this week. The long-running Call of Duty game mode rotates through a variety of weapons, with each kill unlocking a new gun for you to use. You need to get a kill with each weapon to win, but if you suffer the "humiliation" of being melee'd to death, you'll be knocked back a weapon.

There are also more weekly challenges to complete and further opportunities to level up in Ranked Mode to earn more rewards. This season's Ranked Mode runs until June 1, so you have plenty of time to earn an Epic Ruin skin and the Man-O-War.

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