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How To Break Open Borderlands 3's Eridium Chests And Get Their Loot

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Don't worry, you can actually open these chests.

There are a lot of chests in Borderlands 3 and you'll want to open as many as you can to enjoy their assortment of loot. You may have noticed, however, that there are a few chests in Borderlands 3 that just cannot be opened from the start of the campaign. We walk through how to break open the Eridum chests below. Don't worry, there are no story spoilers.

As it turns out, it isn't all that tricky to open Eridium-encrusted chests. You just have to be patient. Very patient.

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How To Mine Eridium And Unlock Eridium Chests

Borderlands 3 doesn't explain this, but you actually unlock the ability to do certain actions by completing story missions. The Eridium-encrusted chests are one such example, as you can't chip away at the Eridium keeping them closed (or mine Eridium deposits you find in the world) until the campaign gives you the tool that allows you to break Eridium. You'll acquire this tool at the end of the campaign's first act, so you'll have to beat all of the story missions on Pandora, Promethea, and Athenas before you earn it.

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Another action you'll unlock just from doing story missions is the ability to equip grenade mods (which you acquire in the tutorial so the wait on that one is short). Further along in the story, you unlock the ability to equip character mods, and then relics too. You will most likely start discovering a lot of these items before you gain the ability to equip them, much like you run into Eridium-encrusted chests before you acquire the tool to unlock them. If you run into or find something new in Borderlands 3 and the game doesn't allow you to do anything with it, chances are the answer you're looking for is to just be patient. Just keep playing through the story and you'll learn what you want to know.

If you're still on the fence about the game, read GameSpot's Borderlands 3 review. If you're already planning on picking up the game, we have a beginner's guide as well as a guide for which Vault Hunter best fits the playstyle you want. For those looking for something even more granular, we have individual write-ups that detail the ideal builds and best skills for each character. Those are linked below.

Borderlands 3 Character Builds And Skills Guides

Borderlands 3 is available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The game is scheduled to release for Google Stadia later this year.

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Jordan Ramée

Jordan Ramée has been covering video games since 2016 and tabletop games since 2020, using his unhealthy obsessions to write what he'd argue is compelling content (we won't tell him if you don't). Do not let him know that you're playing Hollow Knight--he will take that as a sign that you wish to talk about the lore for the next five hours.

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