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Blizzard on Issues

The Diablo II developers respond with a new FAQ.


Today, Blizzard released a new FAQ regarding the continuing technical issues with Diablo II's multiplayer service. In the FAQ, Blizzard reveals why the game's lag problems weren't discovered in the 100,000-user stress test that ran from late May to the game's launch:

"While we had more than 100,000 people testing the Diablo II Realms, having more than 1 million customers in just three weeks proves to be very different than beta testing. The beta test was very successful in uncovering many stability issues that were addressed before launch. We are now facing issues that only appear at much higher usage rates."

Blizzard also announced that the number of servers at each of's worldwide Realms sites will be increased. This week, Macintosh users will start to add to the load on as the first Mac copies of the game become available. By some reports, the first Mac copies sold out on the Macworld Expo show floor yesterday, the first day Blizzard made it available.

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