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Better Call Saul's Sixth And Final Season Starts Filming

It's the beginning of the end for the Breaking Bad prequel.


Production on the sixth and final season of Better Call Saul has officially begun. Showrunner and co-creator Peter Gould made the announcement on Twitter, sharing a photo of the clapperboard with an image of Bob Odenkirk as "Gene" from Better Call Saul's flash-forward scenes where he gets a new identity as an employee at Cinnabon.

The image also confirms that episode 1 of Season 6 is directed by Michael Morris, who directed three earlier episodes of the show. The director of photography is Marshall Adams, who has worked on Better Call Saul and the Breaking Bad movie El Camino.

Similar to the final season of Breaking Bad, it appears all hell is going to break loose in Season 6 of Better Call Saul. If you're up to date, you know that Season 5 ended in a dramatic fashion, setting up a lot of action to come.

Odenkirk, who plays Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman, told Collider that "the wheels come off" in Season 6 and the show "explodes in a million directions."

Odenkirk told The Hollywood Reporter something similar, saying he expects the final season to be "supremely intense."

"I can't wait for the fireworks, really," he said. "Our show is a bit of a slow burn over the past few years, and [showrunners Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould] build up. There’s certainly exciting moments throughout, but towards the end, it gets super supremely intense."

The season itself was scheduled to debut in 2021, but that may no longer be the case due to issues related to COVID-19 that impacted the schedule.

In addition to Better Call Saul, Odenkirk will be seen in the new Universal movie Nobody from the producers of John Wick--the first trailer premiered at the Super Bowl.

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