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Bethesda Softworks Drives Skip Barber

Players get to take a spin at the Skip Barber school of racing - courtesy of Bethesda.


Bethesda Softworks announced Tuesday that it is currently developing Skip Barber Racing, a PC game that hopes to bring accurate professional driving and training simulation to gamers. While not new to the racing circuit, Bethesda is best known for its other racing games - Hot Rod Magazine's Championship Drag Racing and the upcoming NIRA Intense Import Drag Racing.

For the uninitiated, Skip Barber is an advanced racing school where drivers can push their dreams of becoming a professional racer by pushing the pedal to the floor. So far, the school's track record shows its successes with famous trainees like Bill Elliott (NASCAR Winston Cup), Ward Burton, (NASCAR Winston Cup) Michael Andretti (Indy Car). Brian Herta, (C.A.R.T.) and Danny Sullivan (Indy Car).

Skip Barber Racing will feature the Formula Dodge and Pro Dodge racing cars and will give players the chance to take lessons and learn the techniques of a professional racer. The game is currently scheduled for a late 1999 release and will support Direct3D, force feedback, positional audio cues, and multiplayer support.

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