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Best Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 And Xbox Series X Deals Right Now

Amazon, GameStop, and more retailers are offering Cyberpunk 2077 for low prices.


CD Projekt Red has finally released the PS5 and Xbox Series X-specific versions of Cyberpunk 2077, and if you haven't played the game yet, it's the ideal time to jump into Night City. All PS4 and Xbox One versions will get the next-gen update for free--and a variety of retailers are currently discounting the game.

Both the Xbox Store and PlayStation Store are offering a 50% price cut on Cyberpunk 2077, although you can find it listed for just $19 on Amazon. If you don't mind picking up a pre-owned version, you can snag both PS4 and Xbox One versions at GameStop for less than $15.

Current-gen players have two options when running Cyberpunk 2077. Performance mode offers 60fps in 4K with small frame drops, while Ray-Tracing mode runs at a consistent 30fps in 4K with local shadows. Xbox Series S players will only have the option for Performance mode, which has been downgraded from 4K to 1440p.

Aside from improved graphics and performance on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, the latest Cyberpunk 2077 patch brings a slew of new content across all platforms. This includes new weapons, apartments, and a rebalance of various in-game systems.

If you're not sold on Cyberpunk 2077, a new free trial lets you play for up to five hours, which should be plenty of time to know if the game's for you.

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