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Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Trailer Takes Batmobile for a Spin

Poison Ivy joins Batman in new video.

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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has released a new gameplay trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight, the third--and supposedly final--entry in Rocksteady's acclaimed series.

The latest trailer, titled "Time to go to War" shows the Dark Knight flying around the city, swooping down under bridges and soaring over rooftops, before dropping in on a few thugs and getting to work on punching faces.

During the fray Batman shows off his many gadgets, before having a chit-chat with Poison Ivy and then taking her for a spin in the new Batmobile.

Along with the Batmobile, another big addition to Arkham Knight is a new combat mechanic that allows players to switch between Batman and his allies, namely Nightwing and Batgirl, mid-combat to deliver finishers.

In addition to these characters, the Dark Knight will be able to fight alongside Catwoman and Robin in other parts of the game.

Originally scheduled to launch in 2014, the new Arkham Knight release date is June 23. Recently, Rocksteady announced the game's voice cast, which includes Breaking Bad and Lord of the Rings veterans

GameSpot recently got hands-on with the game, to see more of the game and hear what we thought of combat, the Batmobile, Riddler's role and more, watch our Batman: Arkham Knight gameplay analysis.

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