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Author Anne McCaffrey Signs With Red Storm

Science fiction/fantasy author signs with fellow author Tom Clancy's game development company to create new game.


Best-selling science fiction/fantasy author Anne McCaffrey has signed on with Red Storm Entertainment Inc.

It looks as if McCaffrey will help Red Storm create a game based on her Catteni series, where a future Earth defends itself from an alien race bent on enslaving the planet. Freedom's Landing, the first book in the Catteni series, was published in 1995, with the latest chapter in the series, Freedom's Challenge, slated for release in 1998. McCaffrey's first game for Red Storm isn't expected until 1999.

McCaffrey is the second big-name author to sign up with the company. Red Storm founder Tom Clancy released the book Politika in November; that book came bundled with a demo version of the PC game of the same name. You can expect the same sort of media cross-promotion for McCaffrey's game when it hits the market.

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