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Aussie bargains July 15

We round up some of the best gaming bargains that the Internet has to offer.

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Aussies have been complaining for months about the unfair pricing that companies force upon games in Australia, despite the Aussie dollar being equal to the US dollar. Thankfully, though, one company has listened, with Apple dropping the price of its lower-tiered games and apps to match prices in America.

Unfortunately, Apple is just one company, and there are still a dozen-plus that need to adjust their pricing, but luckily for Aussie gamers, there are online retail stores to look to for reasonably priced games. As per usual on a Friday, we've rounded up some of the best bargains that we've spotted on the Internet, as well as a few sneaky suggestions from users on the GameSpot AU forums. Take a look at the bargains below:

Play Asia:
Blur (PS3): A$15.88
Child of Eden: A$42.20
L.A. Noire (360): A$42.20

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Approx. A$41.92
UFC Personal Trainer (360): Approx. A$44.92
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (PC): Approx. A$26.82

Oz Game Shops:
Goldeneye 007 (Wii): A$16.99
Mass Effect 2 (360): A$17.49
Sid Meier's Civilization V (PC): A$20.49
Brutal Legend: A$14.49

BioShock 2 (PC): A$12.95
Fallout: New Vegas (360): A$40.77

If you've found a new online retailer, or think we've missed something, be sure to post it in the official bargains thread over at the GameSpot AU forum!

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